Fjords, Friends, Fun, & Educational Activities in Riding, Driving, Horsemanship and More!

Do you remember the movie Field of Dreams? Well, folks were invited to Fjords & Friends Fun Fest in 2005 and they came. They came from up and down the East coast in both directions. The longest drive was 16 hrs. The invitation was by snail mail, addresses were acquired from the NFHR website, and a packet of information was dispersed.

The first year there were several people who came with horses and some who came without horses just to check out what this event was about. In the second year, those first-year visitors came back with Fjords and Friends, both equine and human. Riders came, drivers came, clinicians joined in, and everyone gave their time and expertise with minimal charging. After 18 yrs there are many of the original gatherers who return almost every year. There are others who come when they can. This is a group of horse-loving folks who pull together in the name of the Fjord Horse.

For many, this event marked their decision to become a Fjord Horse owner. More than 20 first-time Fjord owners made the decision to purchase a Fjord because of what they saw and learned at FFFF.