Liten Loki

1990 - 2019

Liten Loki was born in 1990 in Free Union, Va. He was allergic to his dam's milk so he was bottle fed which probably made him the unique personality he was. I met him in 1995 as he carried his 4-H rider in hunter classes, over fences classes & driving classes at the 4-H State Horse show. In 1999, I saw an ad for a fjord in Lynchburg, Va. for sale & went there immediately & bought him. He greeted us by sticking out his tongue for us to rub it.

That fall he participated in a wedding, then in a reenactment of being a circuit rider's horse as our church celebrated its Methodist history and he gave pony rides as a 4-H fund raiser at Powhatan's County Fair. He was the only horse that could be depended on because in the next round pen were some camels who had panic attacks.

Taking him to FFFF was the best thing we did together. The first year he was so excited to see other Fjords but one in particular had his full interest. When Monarch arrived & Loki got so excited that I had to talk to Monarch's owners & I learned that they were the same age, born at the same farm and were pasture mates! How did Loki remember that 10 years later?

At home, he greeted all visitors by sticking out his tongue to be rubbed. He won every obstacle class we entered. A local driving instructor told the audience at a clinic that Loki was the perfect pleasure driving horse. He "helped" with every barn project that he get close enough to assist Steve or me. He would locate his rubber feed pan & bring it to me along with his pasture mate's pan which was very useful in the dark. When our water tubs were being shocked by a new fence charger (we didn't realize it), Loki lifted the handle on the water faucet & let the water run until it puddled on the ground. We scolded him but he kept doing it until we figured out the problem. Another favorite thing for Loki was going places. He would stand at the gate waiting to be loaded in the trailer while the other horses would gallop to the far corner of their field.

I think Loki was 24 when we attended FFFF for his last trip there. We both loved our fjord friends and their owners. He was 28 when he won his last blue ribbon in obstacle classes. Then we lost our best buddy Loki in June of 2019 at the age of 29. I'll never forget his kind, stoic heart or his huge personality and incredible intelligence. We were owned by Liten Loki for 20 wonderful years.




Alan Merrill